
Wisconsin Editorial Photographer and Wisconsin Commercial Photographer Mike Roemer’s blog.

Hi, I'm Mike Roemer, a commercial, corporate, industrial, agriculture and editorial photographer based in Green Bay, Wisconsin.


I've lived the photography business since childhood, first tagging along during my father's long newspaper photography career before ever carrying my own camera gear. My interest grew as I watched the fascinating process of my dad making black and white images appear while shaking trays of chemicals under the red lights of a developing room.


My professional career started with a ten-year stint as a newspaper photographer meeting tight deadlines, adapting to curve balls and making the famous and not-so-famous comfortable in front of my lens.


I returned to Green Bay in the mid-1990s to start my own business, and now regularly travel around the U.S. and internationally for my clients. I enjoy the creative challenge of combining unusual angles, lighting and lens options to produce the perfect commercial image.


I've won first place awards in Pictures of the Year International, National Press Photographers Best of Photojournalism and National Headliners, along with being a three-time winner in the Pro Football Hall of Fame photo contest.


I love the variety of projects I get to work on, from healthcare organization and foundation annual reports, high-energy casino and gaming shoots, industrial projects at locations as diverse as cheese manufacturers and steel plants, to corporate culture assignments and documenting the Green Bay Packers.


Thanks for looking!



Wisconsin Editorial Photographer • The Mayor of Muttland Meadows

In honor of national puppy day, I’d like to tell you about a story I recently did for Guidepost magazine on an wonderful young man. The man is know as the Mayor of Muttland Meadows. He is Caleb Griswold and Muttland Meadows is a private dog park in Grafton, Wisconsin. Caleb loves the dogs that visit the park as much as they love him; their mutual affection is obvious. Caleb is 17 and still in high school, but he can be found at the dog park volunteering just about any time he isn’t at school. Caleb greets visitors to the park – dogs and owners alike – by name. Caleb can be found walking through the park wearing a work belt around his waist loaded with poop bags, bug repellent, sunscreen and dog leashes. He pulls a wagon loaded with milk jugs to fill the water bowls around the park.

Caleb does this all on his own, which is amazing given some of the challenges Caleb has. He was born with cerebral swelling and a disorder that affects the connection between the hemispheres of his brain.

I was lucky enough to get to spend an afternoon with Caleb and witness first hand the love between Caleb and the dogs.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the day.

Thanks for looking!


Caleb and his mom Laura.

Wisconsin Lifestyle Photographer • Helping A Client Build A Library Of Lifestyle Imagery.

I love the mix of lifestyle photography with my other commercial photography and corporate photography projects.  One of my continuing projects is to help the Manitowoc Visitor and Convention Bureau build a library of images of people enjoying Manitowoc and Two Rivers, Wisconsin.  The area has lighthouses, marinas, plenty of parks, historical villages, sand beaches and endless scenic views of Lake Michigan. It can be a challenge to coordinate my schedule with the most scenic winter days – even more challenging to coordinate that with people / models for a last minute shoot.  Just when I thought our chance of having more scenic winter days this year was over, we got hit with a very pretty snow fall early last week.  I reached out to my contact at the Visitor and Convention Bureau, who reached out to his contacts at Pincecrest Historical Village and they reached out to a family they thought would be awesome subjects for a gorgeous winter afternoon photo shoot.  The shoot came together better than I could have hoped; the family was amazing and very visually friendly.

Here are some of my favorite images from the shoot.

Thanks for looking!


Wisconsin Commercial Photographer • Variety Is Important To Be A Happy Photographer • Casino and Gaming Photographer

I love working as a casino and gaming photographer.  For me to be a happy commercial photographer and corporate photographer, I need to shoot a variety of subjects; being able to pull out my casino photographer and gaming photographer skills makes me very happy.  One of my favorite commercial photography projects is casino photography. Here are some of my favorite gaming photography photos from a recent shoot with one of my favorite gaming ad agencies / casino ad agencies, Gaga Marketing and one of my favorite creatives, Mark Elmore.  This shoot was for Ocean Downs Casino near Ocean City, Maryland.  Shooting photos on an active casino floor always has it challenges and requires some planning to make sure you don’t run into problems. Luckily, my assistant for this shoot, Matt Ludtke, and I have done a number of these type of projects over the years, so we knew what to expect and prepared accordingly.  We had a great group of models that gave us the high energy feel the agency and the casino wanted, so in the end we got photos we’re proud of and ones that made the client happy.

Thanks for looking!




Wisconsin Corporate Photographer | Wisconsin Editorial Photographer | Wisconsin Industrial Photographer | Mike Roemer’s Best of 2017

As I look back on 2017, I realize I got to see a lot of cool things and traveled to many different places.  As a midwest industrial photographer and a midwest manufacturing photographer, I traveled to Mexico, Germany and number of places around Wisconsin and the US.  My wife, Judy, was with me when I went to Mexico, which was fun and very helpful with her being fluent in Spanish.  Judy was also with me, as were my parents, on the Germany trip since that was part work and part play.  Take a look at my previous blog post about that trip.  

In years past, my year end blog post was sports heavy, but I want people to know that I’m not just a Wisconsin sports photographer.  This past year, I also added a travel category and I’d love to have people think of me also as a midwest travel photographer.  Every year, my editorial photography becomes less and less as I push more in to being a Wisconsin corporate photographer and a Wisconsin commercial photographer.

For 2017, my ‘best of’ blog post is a little different in that I expanded the captions for the photos and told a little about the back story on the shots.  With the extended captions, I’m going to keep this text short and let the images speak for themselves.

This past year, RoemerPhoto started doing more video work, which was mostly quick interviews and b-roll while shooting at manufacturing facilities.  My main assistant, Matt Ludtke, was incredibly helpful with that and took the lead on the videos.

So, here are my favorite shots from 2017.

Thanks for looking!


This is for sure one of my favorite shots of the year. I just love the smiles, the casual happiness, and the camaraderie of these workers. I shot this while on an industrial photography photoshoot in Mexico. I was looking for some non-production photos and it was lunch time, so I went in to the cafeteria area. This group of workers had just come off the floor and had probably seen me shooting in the production area earlier. A couple of them spotted me and struck humorous glamour poses, much to the amusement of the others. I grabbed a few frames of that and then hand gestured for them to group together. They came together in this awesome, casual gathering with those happy smiles; I had my shot and a happy client when they saw the image.

While scouting the campus of Fox Valley Technical College for a campus lifestyle shoot, I spotted this wall. I knew if I could get a couple students on that bench, I’d have a nice shot. On the day of the shoot, I found two willing subjects for that bench and got this shot.

I had seen a few posts on social media of a spectacular sunflower field about 20 minutes north of my home. I needed an excuse to get out of the office that day so I took a late day drive up to Bergsbaken Farms near Cecil, Wisconsin. I got some okay shots that afternoon, but I knew if I got a person in the right spot and I had some nice early morning light, I’d have a better image. My wife Judy is a lover of sunflowers, so it wasn’t tough to convince her to go out there with me the next morning at sunrise. We took our dog Chica and the biggest ladder I could get on the truck. I had my shot as Judy walked Chica down a road that cut through the fields.

While on a business and family trip to Germany this summer, I spotted this food truck at a couple of open air markets. The day before I shot this photo, I had tried to get something interesting of the vehicle because I thought it was a unique looking rig. Walking back from the train station in Frankfurt on the last full day of the trip, I came across the truck again and loved how the businessman was sitting so prim and proper with great posture against that funky looking truck. I grabbed a quick frame and love the result.

After a long day of covering a Packers game in Green Bay, I went out for a burger with the other photographers and editors I work with. Just as I was paying my bill, I saw this family come in and sit down under the flag of colored baseballs wearing their Packers garb. As I was leaving, I grabbed a quick candid shot with my iPhone. The family saw what I had done and gave me an approving smile. To all you non Green Bay folk, this isn’t normally how a Green Bay family looks when they go out for dinner.

I shot this photo of the Green Bay Phoenix mens basketball freshman class. Earlier, I had shot all the players individually with the goal of getting basic head shots and serious portraits. But we also like to have them to loosen up in order to capture a little personality. For this shot, I told them to get on the white background as a group; they came together in this formation without any direction and just started having fun. I love the smiles, the laughter and the genuineness of the shot.

This is a shot from a story I shot of a young rodeo rider near Stephenville, Texas. The rider is an employee of a corporate client who likes me to capture images that tell stories of their employees away from work.

I took this image for St Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin. I shoot for them a few times a year at big events like convocation, commencement and homecoming, but I also shoot some scenic lifestyle photos like this. I’d like to say I just came across this, but it’s completely set up. The college gives me a great bunch of students to work with that I can pop into shots as needed. I placed the two on the bench as well as the three walking in the background and I choreographed it all. That wouldn’t fly in the editorial world, but in this situation, I see no issue with it and the client loves the shot. The key is to make it look natural and not the result of a set up.

I shot this photo in Lindau, Germany while shooting some scenics for a commercial client, who has production facilities in that area of Germany and Austria.

This shot is also from Lindau, Germany. That’s my wife Judy, looking out over the water. While I was shooting something else, Judy struck this pose to take in the scene and as I glanced over, I saw how the shot had come together with the old couple walking past.

While headed to the market in downtown Leon, Mexico I spotted this man sitting with his dog. It was a quick shot without even raising the camera to my eye. I love lots of things about this shot – the colors; the tilt of the street, the Chicago Cubs cap, the position of the dog – but most of all I love the connection between the man and the dog.

A few weeks ago, I shot a winter bike race in Manitowoc, Wisconsin as part of a continuing project for the Visitor and Convention Bureau there to show people enjoying the area year round. While scouting the course, I saw a sign for a beer short cut. Turns out racers could cut off part of the course if they stopped to drink a can of beer. Let’s just say it made for some interesting photos.

I shot this photo I’m going to call ‘young love’ in downtown Guanajuato, Mexico while working on a project for a manufacturing client. I was shooting some photos of landmarks in the city when I spotted these two couples. I really like the contrast between the familiarity of the one couple versus the shyness of the other couple, depicted by the averted eyes and the shy smiles.

I took this photo while on a shoot at a chemical plant. This area was very important for the client to highlight. The shot wasn’t all that interesting from ground level, but I thought worked rather nicely from an elevated position. It just needed a couple people and some additional lighting to make it more interesting and make the subjects pop. I had my assistant place one strobe to light our subjects and another as a rim light. The rim light was throwing a little bit of shadow, and I thought it would be even more interesting if we could make that shadow more dynamic. A few adjustments of our lights and we had the shot.

This shot is from the same chemical plant project as the previous photo. Again, we were looking for something a little different than what you would get from ground level. After scouting around, we found this elevated position looking down on the piping and wiring, which created interesting patterns and angles. Again, we needed a human element and we easily arranged for that to happen. I battled with cropping out the yellow safety wash station, but decided to keep that in since safety is so important for these types of industrial and manufacturing clients.

Nothing all that amazing about this portrait shot, but I like it for it’s clean, simple composition with some nice existing and added light. This was an environmental portrait for a financial magazine. We had shot a few safe photos in the subject’s office, but then we found this area the floor below his office. We set up one light to camera left, had our subject turn that way, and combined the added light with the existing, which gave us a shot the client didn’t expect, but really liked.

While waiting for our driver to pick us up in the city center of Guanajuato, Mexico during a shoot for a manufacturing client, I did a little street photography. This pickup passed by with a baseball team riding in the bed. I lifted my camera above my head as the truck passed, and a couple of the girls turned towards the camera, giving me my shot.

I shot this photo just a few moments after the previous photo in this post in the exact same spot in Guanajuato, Mexico. I love the way the two people on the passenger side of the car are looking out the windows and the groceries set on the roof.

During a family gathering, I hauled out my cameras to get some shots of my nieces tubing behind my brother-in-law’s boat on the Fox River in De Pere, Wisconsin. This is a shot of my niece Izzy Kellner. I have plenty of images where I’m not shooting through the mist that the boat and tow line kicked up, but for this shot, I thought it added some interest. The shot was okay in color, but I really liked it in black and white.

Our dog Chica is seven years old; that’s her in the kiddie pool. Probably the first week we got Chica, we bought her this pool and each summer since, I’ve shot a photo of her and her cousin enjoying the dog days of summer. Pun intended.

While driving from Dallas down to Stephenville, Texas for an industrial photo shoot, I spotted this barn with the Texas flag painted on the roof. I pulled over and grabbed a few frames, but the light wasn’t the best. The next day, I went back to this spot when I knew I’d like the light better; this is the result.

I usually have more shots in my year end blog from Packers games, but this year Aaron Rodgers got hurt early in the season and the season spiraled down the drain. This shot is from the season opener and that’s Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers trying to run down Seattle Seahawks defensive tackle Nazair Jones after throwing an interception. I love that look on Aaron’s face – I saw that same look on the faces of a lot of Packers fans as the season went on.

Before covering every home Packers game, I head out to the tailgating area to grab a couple of feature photos. I spotted this young man in his Packers pjs waiting to use a Porta-Potty. I think he may be trying to grab a quick nap. Hopefully he doesn’t nod off and drop his beer.

Every year or so, I go to an elevated position to get some different types of shots for Green Bay mens basketball, one of my higher education clients. For this shot, I was just trying to get some players coming across the logo on the middle of the court. When this player pulled up for a three point shot, it put him in a a great position to contrast against the logo. I love how small the player looks against the logo from this angle.

Green Bay Photographer Mike Roemer •The Story Behind The Christmas Card Photo

Green bay Photographer

Hi, I had a number of people reach out to me asking how we shot the RoemerPhoto Christmas card this year after we posted it on several social media platforms over the holidays.  Well, the first thing I did was ask my main assistant, Matt Ludtke, to shoot the card again this year; he also shot last year’s card.  Calling Matt my main assistant is selling him short.  Matt is an excellent photographer who has taken on a bigger roll than just assisting me.  This past year, we started shooting more video interviews and b-roll for various clients and Matt has taken the lead on that.  Matt also steps in as a second shooter on bigger projects and handles things as the primary shooter if one of my clients who Matt has worked with needs something shot when I’m booked.  Matt also shoots Packers football for the Associated Press, so if I’m in the north end zone look for Matt in the south.  We also share one of my college athletics accounts.  He is more than just a guy who works with me; he has his own clients and works with other companies on bigger video productions.  And he’s a good friend.

Okay, on to the technical stuff on how we shot the photo.  The two aspects people wondered about is how we froze the flying objects like me, Chica and the snow.  With normal strobes and normal camera settings for strobes, we probably would have had some motion blur and ghosting of the objects.  We used Elinchrom Quadra HS flash heads and a Canon 1Dx camera body that allowed us to use the high speed flash sync capabilities of Hyper Sync with the Elinchrom heads.  Hyper Sync allows you to use a faster shutter speed with strobes or flash than the camera is rated for.  The Canon 1Dx normally can only sync with strobes if you’re shooting at 250th of a second or slower.  With the combination we set up, you can get into the 2000th of a second range.

Matt set up one of our strobes on a hill behind the subjects so that it was out of view; this got us that great backlighting.  There was another strobe to camera left to light the subjects.  Matt also put a color conversion gel on the strobes so that the light temperature of those lights was warm like tungsten light, which would make the sky even bluer than normal at dusk.

We tried a number of shots timing all three of us perfectly – but with my middle-aged man leaping skills and Chica not following photo direction all that well – we ended up shooting the three of us separately and then combining all the elements in Photoshop.  I know you’re asking “did you need a trampoline to get that high off the ground?”  With a running start and the adrenaline rush of getting the holiday shoot done, I was able to get that entire 24 inches of vertical on my own.

So that’s the back story on how we got this shot – not all that incredibly complex and nor different from what we do day in and day out on our normal shoots.

Thanks again, Matt, for shooting the photo.


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